Friday, November 2, 2007

Thing 23 -- The Blogging Experience -

What a strange and wonderful journey thus far! As an opportunity for lifelong learning, this was the best. I look back to the 7 1/2 Habits and realize I really was on target when I said it was difficult to have fun with work stuff. I took this project way too seriously when I started, but soon realized that it was much easier to do when I approached the discovery exercises as play. Somewhere in the middle of this venture I stopped for quite a while to do the STARS Workshop. It was only after getting back to my blog that I discovered how this project was a terrific way to play at work--both on an individual and a communal basis. I met my goals of becoming familiar with the concepts and applications of Library 2.0, and have set new goals to move beyond the 23 things. Fickr was overwhelming; Technorati was not appealing. Loved Library Thing and have already recommended it to several friends who keep elaborate notes about what they read. Plan to recreate my IE "Favorites" to a account as soon as I have some breathing space. Learned about many applications to take the STARS program to a new level and can't wait to talk about them at our next Trainers meeting. Thanks to Blog Team--whose blogs were "reference tools" for me during this experience. Thanks also to Debby and Megan, whose blogs I'd turn to when I needed to take a break and look ahead (and for the encouragement to persevere.)


w.addams said...

You da star, Diane, you da star....

Namaste said...

Beautiful job; you deserve a STAR! I like the theme of your blog and the layout.

Blogteam said...

Congratulations on completing the 23 Things, keep on blogging!