Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting Started

Like many of my fellow bloggers, picking out the name of my blog was something I fretted over for days. A colleague suggested "Reading Frenzy," which certainly applies to me and a dear, departed friend nicknamed me SuperSleuth--another good possibility. My sister once called me Book Woman, a name I like a lot. In the end, though, as I was reading an article from the OPLIN 4Cast #61 (Information in the World of Digital Natives (YALSA) , I realized that for this venture I had a moniker already coined by the library world. In today's world there are digital natives--the younger generations who have grown up with technology and know it instinctively--and digital immigrants--those Boomers (and older generations) who have had to plug away to learn the new technology. Thus, here I am--a BookWoman at heart, who is a digital immigrant on her way to learning yet another new technology. Andiamo!


Mona said...

I don't think I have gone much further than you have. We're just too busy at work and at home.

Namaste said...

The blog will take on a life of it's own once you get started; some of the same principles carry throughout the lessons. It's worth the journey.